Barker & Jones i Naas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBarker & Jones



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2 Poplar Square, Naas East, Naas, Co. Kildare, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 45 856 130
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2192872, Longitude: -6.6617247

kommentar 5

  • Breda Fay

    Breda Fay


    Am an avid kindle reader and yet ALWAYS enjoy my regular visits to this store. Love the second hand books in cafe area. Brilliant kids section. Great advice and help from staff . LOVE the shop

  • en

    Donna Bee


    What a brilliant book shop. Looks small from outside but has 3 levels! There's a newsagent just in the door leading into the bookshop and stationary towards the back with a good range to select from, second floor has more books, a coffee shop with seating and a really good range of out of print books... there's also comfy seating areas to rest and read. The top floor is a children's section... it's a little gem! a really good selection of reasonably priced books and the staff are brilliant!

  • Carina Smyth

    Carina Smyth


    Lovely book shop. Nice relaxing cafe. Fabulous mural on the wall

  • Amanda Kielthy

    Amanda Kielthy


    Great book store. On Sundays they hold a story telling session for children. Their range of children's books is fantastic for all age groups

  • es

    Pedro Cos


    Esta tienda es muy acogedora y tiene una gran variedad de revistas y libros, además de material de papelería, regalos y una cafetería ingormal. Tepartida en tes pisos, con escalera mecánica hasta el segundo yascensor ente los tres. A escasos 100 metros tiene oyra tienda suya especializada en libros escolares y material escolar.

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