Big Tree i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBig Tree


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33-40, Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 855 3403
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Latitude: 53.3598387, Longitude: -6.2608192

kommentar 5

  • en



    Horrible busy for the big games in croke park, wouldn't go there other than gaa games. But have had great times there all the same

  • en

    frank griffin


    great pub we visited it on the day of the U2 concert. it was packed but very good.

  • cobray P

    cobray P


    Big bar with plenty of room with more than one floor of tables and bars.

  • en

    tommy aquinas


    A great spot for a few pints after a big game in Croker

  • William Murphy

    William Murphy


    Well worth a visit. Many Dublin Pubs claim to be one of the oldest in the city or the country and why should the Big Tree be any different. The owners claim that their pub has been in business for more than 500 years making it one of the oldest pubs in the city of Dublin. “There has been an Inn and later a Tavern on this site since 1453. It grew to fame as the “Rose Tavern” back in late medieval days and is mentioned in all worthy historical accounts of those times.”

nærmeste Bar

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