Bloom Brasserie i Dublin 4

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IrlandBloom Brasserie



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11, Baggot Street Upper, Dublin 4, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 668 7170
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Latitude: 53.33364, Longitude: -6.244821

kommentar 5

  • en

    shaun boddy


    Best restaurant in Dublin! We ate dinner here not reservation and no wait. The food is unbelievably good and the service is amazing!!! Try it you will love it!!!

  • en

    Lukas Timko


    The food was delicious, really enjoyed stay here. The wine-selection was great. The music was not to loud so people can have a friendly chat. The atmosphere here was very nice and the food was great. The staff was fast, super friendly and was able to give you great recommendations for food and wine. Really recommend it to anyone who is looking for a great taste and nice atmosphere in Dublin!

  • maryanne o'neill

    maryanne o'neill


    Fine Dining experience. We enjoyed a New Years Eve banquet for 4 people. Lovely fusion of taste in all four meals. The staff are very attentive and friendly. I would recommend this restaurant if you would like the fine dining experience.

  • Andreas Ludwig

    Andreas Ludwig


    Wonderful gem in the heart of Dublin. Don't miss it! I was for a quick lunch - almost too late at 2 in the afternoon. Super friendly waiter convinced the chef to provide me with a three course meal - delicious cauliflower soup, a good steak (although a little overcooked) and a delicious desert. But the best: Fabulous wines to go with the food and a coffee to fall in love with. What a wonderful discovery!

  • pl

    Piotr Wiśniewski


    Posiłki pychotka .Miłe miejsce do kąsumci😉 .Zapraszam

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