Bowes Tyres and Valeting Services i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBowes Tyres and Valeting Services


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New Road, Portlaoise, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 57 866 5075
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Latitude: 53.0301964, Longitude: -7.2947551

kommentar 4

  • en

    Jason Timmins


  • en

    virgo kvell


    Iv been using this place few years to wash my car, but lately the job they are doing is rubbish. Iv been there twice in last month and both times i was very disappointed after getting home and checking my car. Both times different guy was working. When i was there, in the queue, and they washed car in front of me i was seriously shocked if they told to guy in front of me that job is done and pay. The car looked still dirty around number plate, rear bumper etc. Never again! Few tips: raise your standard and keep your customers, raise your price and do better job (losing some customers because of the higher price), or shut down your car wash service, because this poor job your lads are doing will give a bad name to your whole business.

  • en

    Gerard Enright


    Not consistent with prices.

  • Declan O'Mahoney

    Declan O'Mahoney


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