Brown Thomas Limerick i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBrown Thomas Limerick



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16, O'Connell Street, Limerick, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 417 222
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Latitude: 52.6634, Longitude: -8.627

kommentar 5

  • en

    robert carroll


    Nice store well stocked but be prepared to pay top Euro.

  • Ofir Butler Lazar

    Ofir Butler Lazar


    If you are not rich, RUN!!! Run as far away as possible. If you are rich then great choice.

  • Caroline Hayes

    Caroline Hayes


    I'm Not a fan brown Thomas, over priced and generally speaking the staff are very snotty when you are looking, however I use Laura Mercier makeup, so i got it in here, the staff on Laura Mercier were fabulous, friendly, very helpful and down to earth, unlike some other counters.

  • Boyz 3kids

    Boyz 3kids


    Lovely shopping experience great fashion range to suit all budgets. Brilliant cosmetic counters with all the brands

  • Beeta Z

    Beeta Z


    If you're not from the UK don't forget to ask for a tax free slip before you leave so that you can get your refund. If youre serious about spending money, come here. There are too brands being sold here (including little Christmas/holiday decorations on the top floor during the holidays). Wonderful place.

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