Budget Car Rental Shannon Airport i Shannon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBudget Car Rental Shannon Airport



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Arrivals Hall, Shannon Airport, Ballyhennessy, Shannon, Co. Clare, V14 CV04, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 61 471 361
internet side: www.budget.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.6921954, Longitude: -8.9202505

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marci Gee


    i had good experience at Shannon airport, but if something happens they do unprofessional mean central damage service (Roscommon). Lisa, you are wrong, they make damage, i can only leave feedback where i was customer.

  • en

    mark Wixted


    Total rip off , was charged 168 aud for a car at 12.40 per day and insurance charges are not properly explained and loads of add ons Would defo not recommend this company .plus the woman at the desk was very dissmisive and unfriendly

  • Alan Devins

    Alan Devins


    Excellent service. Had a beautiful A6 for a few days. Sad to give the keys back!

  • en

    James D. Wheeler


    Im a veteran traveler and have rented dozens of cars, and I have never seen any thing like this before. You complete the rental form and then they try to sell you the most extravagant insurance policy I ever have seen. 10 days insurance cost me more than I pay for 2 cars full coverage at home annually. Then after all that the price went up 60% more. So it cost $1,016 for 10 days of insurance. I emailed them and they were nothing but condescending and totally evasive. I later went online to see dozens of bad reviews from others. I wish I would have walked away from this one

  • en

    Ian Herriott


    I live in the UK, visited the mammy and family etc Left my fancy sunglasses in the car and asked if it was possible to send back to me with no expectation really other than me picking them up a few months later....didn't get a response .... 4 days later in my letterbox..God i miss home! People are just nice...Thanks to the new fella there who took my call.

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