Camile Thai Limerick i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCamile Thai Limerick



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Parkway Retail Park, Dublin Road, Limerick, V94 C4E0, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 61 490 900
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Latitude: 52.661575, Longitude: -8.590247

kommentar 5

  • Martyna Wysocka

    Martyna Wysocka


    Such a nice place! The food is delish and they've the best ice cream ever. And Costa is right beside too what more would u want! :) the kitchen is open plan with the dining area so you can see what goes on which is great...

  • en

    Ursula Curley


    Good sized portions. Free ice cream. Spacious. Quiet and good high quality food. Clean and friendly staff.

  • thomas conneely

    thomas conneely


    Great restaurants and take out. Fresh, many veg options. Good varied children's menu also.

  • en

    Laura Carroll


    Food is very good, fresh and quick. Downside is I had a voucher where there would be over €8 left Over. Staff insisted I used the end of it but it unnecessary items we did not want instead of give back the voucher. . .very disappointing!

  • Koldo Flynn

    Koldo Flynn


    Great food, reasonable prices, friendly helpful staff, I have been here several times. Highly recommend.

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