Camp Junction House B&B i Camp

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IrlandCamp Junction House B&B


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Camp, Knockglass Beg, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 87 243 0704
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Latitude: 52.2254633, Longitude: -9.893124

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mark Hunter


    Wonderful spot on the Dingle. Great location to everything. Owner has wonderful insight and graciously assists with ideas and places to visit.

  • en

    James Dash


    Great B&B. John, our host was so friendly and helpful, giving us a lot of recommendations. The room was very comfortable and the views from the B&B were fantastic. Will definitely stay here if I come back to the Dingle Peninsula.

  • en

    Nikki Heavner


    We stayed here at the recommendation of a friend and it was a great call. A beautiful location when fantastic ocean and mountain views. John was an amazing host and took special interest in all his guests. He provided an amazing Irish breakfast spread for us. Such great hospitality, will definitely return! Highly recommend. Clean and spacious rooms with excellent bathrooms attached.

  • en

    Della Kersting


    Our favorite place in Europe!Everything was perfect here. The views,the food, the owner was so fun and helpful.Every detail was in place for your comfort and enjoyment. The place was so clean and comfortable and so professional ran . I can wait to go back I have memories for life that I will never forget! What a wonderful 60 birthday!

  • en

    peter grove


    We stayed here for two nights, wished it was more. This B&B is a gem, it is beautiful, the views are to die for. The rooms are lovely and clean with modern bathrooms, the whole place is spotless. John is a great host and is really helpful with local knowledge. The two pubs opposite are great, both worth a visit. The Dingle is a beautiful area, so glad we have visited and we will return. Thank you John for a wonderful stay.

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