Cappagh Park i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCappagh Park



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Cappagh Road, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 536 565
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Latitude: 53.2647071, Longitude: -9.129994

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eileen Daly


    Have to say a lovely place to bring ur kids on a nice day playground walks and a pitch keep them all happy .The centre there has lovely staff working in it and they r very helpful

  • Laura Glynn

    Laura Glynn


    Lovely place for a stroll. Great for children as it has a lovely playground & very close to Barna woods

  • Emma Doy

    Emma Doy


    Great visitors all around, and friendly, but the man on the reception desk was very rude and not very helpful at all; just being helped seemed to greatly inconvenience him, especially when it interrupted his reading of the newspaper. I was here a whole day I might add, inside and nearby.

  • Dee Jay

    Dee Jay


    huge public park with loads of GAA and soccer pitches. Great place to let the dog off the leash for a run. Well kept paths. At night there a groups of kids drinking and hanging around.

  • Roland Juhász

    Roland Juhász


    Good place to walk with the dog, after darkness unfortunately the public lights are not or just partially operating. However fairly safe since neighbourhood watch operates in the area.

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