Carey & Keane Veterinary Surgeons i Dublin 8

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCarey & Keane Veterinary Surgeons



🕗 åbningstider

12, Old Kilmainham, D08 TY09, Dublin 8, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 1975
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Latitude: 53.3411037, Longitude: -6.3013941

kommentar 5

  • Dean Carroll

    Dean Carroll


    Friendly service from everyone. Thorough work, detailed check up. They even looked after me when I felt sick during the consultation. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Lorraine Cosgrave


    Carey and Keane veterinarian clinic is a lovely place, I've had all my previous dogs registered with this vets and they have always been very caring and very reasonable.

  • en

    Mary McCarthy


    I've been with them for years and trust their work implicitly. Am grateful for the excellent care they've given my dog's. They are very experienced, professional and caring about the animals in their care. Just had my female pup neutered there and she's in great shape.

  • Joao William Rodrigues Cardoso

    Joao William Rodrigues Cardoso


    Absolutely lovely place, all the staff there are extremely nice and vets are just so dedicated to their work. Highly recommend. My dog loves it too.

  • mary doyle

    mary doyle


    The staff here are amazing as are the vets. We had 2 of our dogs down with these lovely people over the last 2 weeks. Both of them are 6 months old and they were very ill. Myself and my daughter found everyone we delt with just great, really friendly; caring and professional. These lovely people saved the lives of our pups Ali and Bobby. Thank you to you all, we can't thank you enough. 🏆🏅👍

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