Central Revenue Information Office i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCentral Revenue Information Office



🕗 åbningstider

Cathedral Street, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 333 425
internet side: www.revenue.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3505371, Longitude: -6.2598521

kommentar 5

  • Jonathon Farrell

    Jonathon Farrell


    The most rude unhelpful people you will ever deal with..very unprofessional. They also look and dress like their at home relaxed on the couch..

  • David Walsh

    David Walsh


    Very helpful staff. Quite friendly too

  • en

    Marin Tokic


    Went online to check phone number for personal tax, after waiting for 10 mins for somebody to answer they say it is the wrong number (put online the write number ). They transfer me to a different number where I waited another 5-10 min when I was out of credit on my phone. Worst experience ever with any gouvernement related office. Never again!!! At least you can say that the phone is charged like a fckn lottery. Disgusting!!

  • Vanessa Viana

    Vanessa Viana


    Helpful staff, some services can be sorted at the computers provided or filling in forms at the ground floor.

  • Gabor Sipkoi

    Gabor Sipkoi


    Place to get information and resolve issues related to revenue. In general the staff is keen to resolve problems quickly. It's a good idea to arrive early before opening because it's less crowded and you have greater chance to finish your business quickly. Opens at 8:30am

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