Chapters Bookstore i Dublin

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IrlandChapters Bookstore



🕗 åbningstider

1, Parnell Street, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 879 2700
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3515329, Longitude: -6.2640385

kommentar 5

  • Maria Griffin

    Maria Griffin


    Love this place. By the time you leave you always realise you spent a few hours. If you don't find what you came for in the second hand section you will enevitably leave with something else. Very nice atmosphere and comfortable to peruse for a while.

  • Dajana Graf

    Dajana Graf


    Great bookstore, very big, you can find almost everything here. They often have discounts with books for 5 euro or less. Great second hand section too! If you're planning to get rid of your old books, I would recommend giving them away to charity, as Chapters has an awful buying rates.

  • en

    Arron Rabbitte


    Fantastic Book Store - you can get lost in the sea of wonderful books. Second hand section is really big, bigger selection than most book stores, and is kept well up to date. Paperbacks cost 6-7 euro, smaller paperbacks about 3/4 euro, with hardbacks at around 9-10 euro. In the end, I got 6 books for the price of 2!

  • Pat Hynes

    Pat Hynes


    This is a superb resource for anyone seeking out particular works. Both new and bargain books as well as a fantastic second hand section upstairs as big as the main floor below. There is a really great Irish history and biography section, with stuff stretching back decades. Really good staff who will go the extra mile to help out. I highly recomend this spot.

  • pl

    Tomek Apanasewicz


    Ogromny wybor ksiazek

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