CitySightseeing Dublin i Dublin 1

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IrlandCitySightseeing Dublin



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13, O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin 1, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 531 1711
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Latitude: 53.350701, Longitude: -6.2602768

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gregory Lidstone


    The tours were fantastic really funny and interesting. Really convenient hop off hop on system, only it’s let down by the fact that the service only runs one way so it can be difficult to go back to where you came from other than to go the whole way round the route. Well worth the money at €25 for 3 days, I would recommend doing the full 2 hours tour as you will see points of interest to visit that you may not have seen otherwise!

  • Michael Azad

    Michael Azad


    Great sightseeing agency for tours from Dublin. If you’ve booked a ticket that is in front of CitySightSeeing Dublin, then you’ll probably need to collect your ticket inside.

  • en

    Neal Kew


    Four of us did the Dublin city tour in early December and although it was freezing cold we thoroughly enjoyed it. Our driver, Eoin was friendly, welcoming, cheerful and very knowledgeable about the city. Would highly recommend if you're only visiting for a short time as you get a great deal for your money.

  • Stephanie Oelrich

    Stephanie Oelrich


    We did the night bus tour starting at 7. It wasn't dark yet, so the atmosphere wasn't as I imagined. The bus took us around the city and our guide told us stories about what we were seeing and sang applicable songs. He was a really good singer and got the whole bus clapping and singing along. The tour didn't go very indepth or travel very far. It was really inexpensive at €7 and a relaxing way to spend an evening.

  • Jordan Estey

    Jordan Estey


    We visited Dublin during the Ophelia Storm in mid October, to our surprise, nearly every business, museum, and tourist attraction closed its doors for the day. This was a complete disappointment for our group of six who only had 48hrs to explore the city. After venturing out we were stopped by a gentleman giving out information on these bus tours. He explained that the buses were running that day in lieu of the bad weather. He warned us that they may have to stop the tours if things got worse but ensured that we could use our tickets for two days so that we could still get the full experience. The gentleman, Mario, made our day by giving us all of the information we needed and showing us true hospitality when everything else seemed to be closed. We did end up going on the bus both days and we are so grateful we did. The second day our bus driver, Declan, was the highlight of our day. He gave great explanations of all of the landmarks, shared personal stories, had a great sense of humor, and an incredible Elvis impersonation! After these two days in Dublin my entire group would all agree the bus tour - in the red buses - is the best bang for your buck and definitely the most memorable!

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