Clarks i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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85, Grafton Street, D02 Y248, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 1257
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3420833, Longitude: -6.2600117

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lolita Umbrasko


    The worst service I received today ever. Irish girls with black hair with glasses was rude not helpful at all. Rude rude rude

  • Omid Nik

    Omid Nik


    awesome , you have no idea how much staff are helpful and patient, I spent half an hour or more to buy a pair of shoes , taking lots of pictures and they just let me to make sure if I am happy before buying.

  • emiliano putzulu

    emiliano putzulu


    Fantastic assistance from the nice lady who helped with boots size. Product nice as usual. The girl at the till, not impressed. Spelled my email address for the invoice (not an easy one, no matter what language you speak), but unlike all the times I do that, she did not double check with me and sent the invoice to no one, since I didn't get it.

  • en

    Sam K


    Really nice staff! Jose was very helpful and I got some great new kicks.

  • Iona Lee Ai Yong

    Iona Lee Ai Yong


    Amazingly nice staff. Came here the other day to buy school shoes and the service was quick, efficient and very kind. Will come back again :)

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