Computer Room i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandComputer Room



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95, Terenure Road East, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 687 7173
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Latitude: 53.3100154, Longitude: -6.2828765

kommentar 2

  • en

    Douglas McLellan


    Ask if he can install Ubuntu on machine that had a hard drive partion problem. Said fine and left my laptop. Phones me a couple of days later saying he had installed Windows. Which wasn't what I wanted and then asked me to bring an Ubuntu installer. Now, this is freely and easily available on the internet. I didn't want a fancy or compliacted fork installed. Plain Ubuntu. Take time off work to deliver USB stick with installer and he then says will take more time. Which makes me wonder why I was supposed to bring the USB as I thought he wanted to do the install in front of me or something. I think the sum level of technical knowledge here is helping a user tunr the machine and then off again. Hopefully he can teach himself Ubuntu installations as I now can't pick up or use my laptop for another four days. Useless.

  • Stefan Triffo

    Stefan Triffo


    Highly recommended.

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