Cork City Library i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCork City Library



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57-61, Grand Parade, Cork, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 21 492 4900
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8967832, Longitude: -8.4752034

kommentar 5

  • thomas conneely

    thomas conneely


    The building badly needs investment, great location and staff, but showing age badly. Areas of scaffold internally to support celing plaster. Cork City Council need to invest.

  • José Vázquez Gómez

    José Vázquez Gómez


    Un lugar donde estar tranquilo y relajado, leer estudiar o buscar con los pc que tiene disponibles. Un sitio bastante grande y concurrido. Los ordenadores son de pago excepto si los necesitas solo 10 minutos para imprimir cualquier cosa entonces es gratuito. El ambiente es ideal para estudiantes o personas que busquen relajarse.

  • en

    Stella Lee


    Charming library with separate sections for general reading, children and teens, music, as well as reference. The children and teens section in particular is a cosy little nook. Recommendations of books of different genres, including less prominent ones, are featured. There are not many places to sit and read, but doesn't detract from the overall experience. I had to print something and was greatly delighted that there were computers and printers available, with printing from mobile devices possible. It was easy to use the mobile printing service and I received the print outs with no hassle.

  • cs

    Michael Fridrich


    Velká knihovna a veřejným internetem. Možnost využití tiskárny

  • en

    Sara Pope


    Encountered the rudest customer service at Cork City Library since I arrived in Ireland. The woman behind the information desk had zero customer service skills and acted as though I was an inconvenience the entire time. It was my first time in the library and I wanted to print some CVs off, but as I don't have a proof of address I couldn't get a library card yet (which is fine and I understand). The woman begrudgingly gave me a code to use a computer for 15 minutes. I printed off 6 pages and it didn't print correctly. I've printed many things and used many computers in my years, so it was clearly an issue with the computer that it printed oddly. I explained the issue to the woman and she made it clear she didn't care at all, and told me "computers don't have minds of their own". I did my best to remain calm and explained I've printed from many computers and never had this issue and I could show her how I printed. She cut me off and said she'll "give me the 60 cents but if it does it again I won't be refunded". I printed what I needed and got out of there. I've never experienced such rude treatment, particularly in a library. This woman should not be the face of the library. She is doing a terrible job and I will never return. Worst library ever. I'd give this rating 0/5 stars if I could.

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