Cork Omniplex i Mahon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCork Omniplex


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Link Road, Mahon, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 21 497 2082
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Latitude: 51.8858814, Longitude: -8.3942395

kommentar 5

  • Eamon Dennehy

    Eamon Dennehy


    was hoping to catch a 3:15 movie with my son on school holidays. arrived at 2.55 massive Q. but with 20 mins to spare thought should be quick enough. very wrong. totally understaffed and staff that were there looked new and were struggling with the cash register. got to cashier at 3:40. 45 mins of queuing only to be told that it was sold out. ask could they not have announced it as there was still a massive line behind with many going to the same movie. said he would tell the manager i said can you not just shout out it is sold out. wouldn't do so, so I did it for him and 20-30 people left the line. An hour of my life I'll never get back :(

  • en

    M H


    nice enough venue, seats are comfy but why on earth does the place not have its schedule up for a weekend until a Wednesday?! "It's Monday night and I'm trying to book tickets for Saturday... but nope the schedule doesnt come out until Wednesday!" What on earth is that about?

  • Anna Ahern

    Anna Ahern


    Great cinema. Helpful staff. Unfortunately for late evening cinema goers a taxi is necessary to get back from here as the last bus leaves before ten. Still a nice cinema though with a great cafe

  • Sascha Giese

    Sascha Giese


    Probably the best cinema in Cork. Multiple screens including large high resolution ones, modern, clean, spacious. Parking shared with the shopping center so free and plenty. Some restaurants but they are basic and close at nine or so. Tip : if you arrive before 8 don't buy the overpriced sweets. Instead go downstairs turn left walk twenty meters - same sweets, half the price.

  • Bogdan Ogonowski

    Bogdan Ogonowski


    Fajny klimat wszystko Oki

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