Crawford Art Gallery i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCrawford Art Gallery



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Emmett Place, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 480 5042
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Latitude: 51.899862, Longitude: -8.473284

kommentar 5

  • Evan Cunningham

    Evan Cunningham


    Lovely to go for a walk around if you're in the area

  • en

    Ljubica obradović


    Crawford Art Gallery is wonderful place to send an afternoon. There are a number of exhibition that visit the gallery throughout the year. When we went in, there was a food exhibition on at the time. They showed a different side of food. They showed that sometimes food can be useless. Showed that sometimes the most disgusting looking food can be the most delicious. The host was extremely friendly and welcoming. Afterwards we walked around and enjoyed the other art pieces on display.

  • en

    Prawin Gr


    Good to see the paintings and statues. Also came to know about Cork history. No entrance fee. Will need minimum 90 minutes to cover entire gallery.

  • zandra sloan

    zandra sloan


    Beautiful building and lovely cafe. Some interesting exhibits. Video presentation on the top floor. Was really interesting, but after viewing the rest of the gallery, it was difficult to stay awake!

  • en

    Lenka Kohoutkova


    Wort to visit. Satisfaction with exhibitions depends on your taste. Not very inovative, but always find a few interesting pieces. Building itself is interesting. Lovely Cafe inside.

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