Croke Park i Dublin 3

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCroke Park


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Jones' Rd, Dublin 3, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 819 2300
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.360712, Longitude: -6.2512089

kommentar 5

  • Sue Andrews

    Sue Andrews


    Absolutely one of the best. Greeted with a smile and how was our travel to Ireland. Each individual was most gracious. Temperature of our room was just right. Our questions were answered quickly. We were able to get our tickets for the double decker bus tour very easy. The breakfast we had twice was exquisite.

  • en

    Ade S


    I love Croke Park...the atmosphere is amazing, the noise of the crowd is electric and it makes whatever band you are paying over the odds for a ticket to see raise their game and put on a performance. Disabled facilities are fantastic, access not a problem, exiting just takes time for 80,000 people to leave first. The Guinness is good and there are plenty of taps so waiting isn't as bad as other venues. Parking can be problematic but like everything you pay for what you want.

  • Arkadiusz Porada

    Arkadiusz Porada


    Z Dublin Pass nie można tam wejść mimo, iż jest jedną z atrakcji zamieszczonych w poradniku.....

  • pl

    Marcin Lesniowski


    Fajny stadion

  • Sylwester Kozak

    Sylwester Kozak


    Warto skorzystać z prezentacji obiektu wspólnie z przewodnikiem. Trochę historii, dużo o przywiązaniu do lokalnych zwyczajów. Obiekt z dołu robi ogromne wrażenie! No i ekran wielkości boiska do tenisa! Warto!

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