Cruagh Wood, Car Park i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCruagh Wood, Car Park


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Bóthar Na Craobhaí, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.242134, Longitude: -6.312455

kommentar 5

  • en

    Terry Mcgrath


    Great for a walk on a Sunday with friends and have a coffee in the car park from Harry's van we look forward to Sunday mornings. Terry

  • James Coleman

    James Coleman


    Car park at Cruagh wood. Map of walks along forest trails. Access to Cruagh mountain and Dublin mountains way tracks East towards Tibradden and NWest towards Massys wood and Hellfire club. Busy car park on weekends sometimes lots of cars parked along road. One narrow entrance to car park, cars need to be considerate and make space to allow other cars in or out.

  • Sunrise Productions !

    Sunrise Productions !


    Great spot for a forest walk with the family & dog. You can do the loop including sleepers in as little as an hour. Great views of the city, especially at night. Free parking in the carpark or out on the road, but be careful to check the signs for the gate closing time, as it closes automatically and there's a release fee after that.

  • Neil Delaney

    Neil Delaney


    Nice family walks. Bit hilly for little ones

  • en

    Stephen Brady


    Great wooded walk with scenic views over Dublin. Coffe van on site

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