DAA Lounge i Dublin Airport

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDAA Lounge



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Terminal 2, Corballis, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 814 4779
internet side: www.dublinairport.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.4255642, Longitude: -6.2417296

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ann McGarry


    Wonderful cuisine. Caramelized chutney better than my own. You should invite your counterpart at Malaga airport to see how it should be done.

  • en

    Sophie York


    Absolutely shocking! Paid €25 each, no comfy seating, poor range of spirits/wine. Only seen 1 magazine (which looks like a freebie anyway). As for the food! There was (at 6pm) a spread of some stale bread rolls, cold soup, a cheese board, some cheese and onion crisps and some cheese coleslaw. As it happens I’m allergic to cheese. I asked the ladies at the front desk if anything else could be arranged, when I explained that normally at an airport lounge there are sandwiches, pastries, fruit etc etc and was told that “it’s a shocking selection, even coming from us” and was then given a solitary packet of salt and vinegar crisps. I’m so disappointed, honestly save your money!

  • en

    Joerg Bauerle


    Average lounge in terms of facilities and food choices. However, the staff (Diana) certainly made up for it with exceptional good service.

  • Shaun Mac Eachen

    Shaun Mac Eachen


    We were unfortunately greeted by a girl called Kelly who was extremely condenseing and rude, she asked my pregnant wife if she had prohaps over indulged over the Christmas, once my wife explained she was pregnant, she said you look fat! They have potato chips and popcorn and that's it. It was empty when we went in, and it was easy to see why!

  • Trevor Storey

    Trevor Storey


    Appalling. Great front desk and that where it ends. Sparse poor choice of food and drinks ... definitely one of the worst within the BA network

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