DD Fitness i Dublin 12

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDD Fitness



🕗 åbningstider

Bluebell Business Centre, Unit 2 Bluebell Business Centre, Naas Road, Old Naas Road, Inchicore, Dublin 12, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 211 1692
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3293256, Longitude: -6.3404498

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Comerford

    Andrew Comerford


    Well impressed with the variety, thought and execution of all my sessions to date in DD fitness. Couldn't be happier, you want to work hard this is the place for you

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    Leona Devlin


    At the moment I'm training our adult ladies football team for our pre season and into week three we couldn't be happier with the training from David it's everything that we are looking for.it's catering for every level of fitness within the team.I would recommend this gym to anyone

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    Darren O Connor


    Really friendly clean gym Dave is a top man and can really push you to a limit you didn't think you had great courses highly recommended 💪

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    Laura El


    The gym is in a great location. Trainers are extremely helpful with plenty of time & advice for clients. An all over body workout in a group environment which I found really motivational. I've also had better results through training with DD fitness than any other gym I've previously attended

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    laura Butler


    Great location, they have a full variety of classes to suit everyone, trainers are excellent with loads of knowledge and full of support they are extremely motivating and on hand with lots of advice. Overall great gym great environment and Great people I would highly recommend this gym. Brilliant place to train all levels of fitness.

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