DHL Express i St Margaret's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDHL Express



🕗 åbningstider

Saint Margaret's Road, St Margaret's, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 725 725
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.419047, Longitude: -6.315379

kommentar 5

  • en

    Remigijus Astrauskas


    Bring your parcel there good rates

  • en

    Susan Davis


    I have had problem for years with DHL., I was charged for delivery once and delivery man pocketed the money.-that was a one off though. I rarely get the parcels and had to go to Tuam to collect one recently. I was notified I was getting something today so stayed in all day. I have been let down by DHL for years as no effort is made to find is even though we have a post code. When I ring to go to collect as not delivered I then spend about half hour waited for them to find the parcel as no one seems to relay messages. Sorry to complain but the minute I hear DHL I know there will be problems.

  • Richard Valters

    Richard Valters


    When I visited the DHL at St. Margaret's Road I was not greeted by a staff member upon arrival nor I was asked about the purpose of my visit, although, I had been in the waiting area for a good while. It was not busy, one more person was being served apart of me. I approached the person who was being engaged in processing another assignment and asked if somone else could be sent downstairs to attend me as all I needed was just to collect my parcel which I had never been able to arrange for to have it delivered in the appropriate time. I am usually absent during the office hours as many other employees. When I re-arranged for the parcel to be delivered to the pick up point in one of the Spars, which would have been very handy, it turned out that the boxes there were overcrowded so that the driver had nothing but to hold the parcel in the van for many days. There is no information on the webpage that the pick up points have only small number of storage boxes available, I could not understand thus why my parcel was daily out for delivery when I tracked it online, but it never had reached the pick up point and the next day was repeating the same. I would rate the level of Delivery services as very low in general, there are always the same problems occur which could be avoided if the whole system would offer more options to the customer. What I had paid for when placing my order online, if I had to finally go to the warehouse to collect the parcel myself one week later than I was supposed to receive it.

  • MinecraftDOGE!!!! 101

    MinecraftDOGE!!!! 101


    DHL here is the best nice drivers nice staff parcel on time for next day I would recommend this to new DHL users

  • Martin Bosak

    Martin Bosak


    Easy access, customer car park available, helpful staff but only one person so some waiting is necessary if there are more customers in

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