Dijon Cafe Jnct 17, M7 i Portlaoise

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IrlandDijon Cafe Jnct 17, M7



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Midway Food Court, ABBEYLEIX ROAD, Meelick, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 57 866 6499
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 53.014894, Longitude: -7.300107

kommentar 5

  • Laura Mooney

    Laura Mooney


    Dijon is great. The best thing about Midway. Great menu with a great selection and the girls are always really nice and helpful, even when they are under pressure. Having breakfast here now for the first time and had eggs florentine, although they could have done with being a bit hotter. Overall, savage 😍

  • en

    Teresa Brophy


    Frankly the place is a major let down firstly standing for 5 min before anyone comes to u while they continue with their jobs ignoring customers. The coffee is good however a sugar dispenser with no way to measure a spoonful and the sugar was so hard i had to unsrew it to get any out of it. No option of skim milk just full fat in a dirty enamel jug. I had to ask for a clean coffee cup lid as the few on the counter were dirty. No artificial sweatner available thats just the coffee bit. The glass display had pies and quiches and a second display of desserts with absolutely no prices when I asked the girl why there was no dessert prices she said people wud'nt buy them i said well maybe priced i wud have but its a nuisense to ask for prices even the Caprisun wasnt priced. I noted lots of half eaten plates on tables after people left soi stuck with my coffee. I feel its a shame as the place has great potential but major let down and would not return.

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    willie carroll


    Overpriced tasteless food in miserable surroundings. Stay driving to Obama plaza. Better food and surroundings. And only another 30 min drive

  • T X

    T X


    Wonderful food which came with wonderful service. The food was made very fast yet presented very well. The customers made the atmosphere enjoyable and i will definitely be back here again!

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    Dave Murphy


    Always Drop in here for great food. Highly recommend. Great quality food. Great value. Staff also very friendly.

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