Domino's Pizza Dublin Booterstown w Dublin 6

IrlandiaDomino's Pizza Dublin Booterstown



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8, Woodbine Park, Dublin 6, IE Ireland
kontakt telefon: +353 1 269 2666
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 53.31084, Longitude: -6.206955

komentarze 5

  • en

    graig quan


    Worst dominos I’ve ever had. Food was cold on arrival, pizza was not cut properly and there was barely any toppings on one side, the garlic bread wasn’t cut properly either and to top it off they forgot the garlic dip. Absolute joke, will not be ordering from them again

  • en

    Martin Daly


    Good deals and open late

  • marina s

    marina s


    I rarely write negative reviews but after what happened today I feel I must share my experience. The driver who delivered the order today was very rude, his name is Marius. Good luck dealing with him! Oh and the pizza he delivered was cold

  • Girish Mallya

    Girish Mallya


    This is my local Domino's and I order regularly from here since they have some really good toppings and the delivery is pretty quick. I've had only a handful of negative experiences in the 5+ years that I've been a customer. These have been things that I can easily look past (e.g., minor delays, missing dip/drink). Moreover, whenever I've given feedback on their website about those experiences, they've promptly given me a call within the next day and given me a discount coupon! There have also been times that they have called me out of the blue just to give me a discount coupon. Fairplay!

  • Gerard Quinn

    Gerard Quinn


    Gooood food ..service slow great staff

najbliższy Mąka dostawy

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