Donnybrook Fair i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDonnybrook Fair



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Lower Kilmacud Road, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 209 1004
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Latitude: 53.2891848, Longitude: -6.1999576

kommentar 5

  • Weqaar Janjua

    Weqaar Janjua


    Just alright, a small scale and expensive version of next door Tesco, go therr if you have extra momey bothering you

  • K Melvin

    K Melvin


    The selection and quality of food available is impressive but the prices are far from competitive!

  • Paul Casey

    Paul Casey


    Oh please, it's a yummy mummy magnet. Grossly overpriced lifestyle store for people who need to believe that quality costs a fortune and who need to be seen with a Donnybrook Fair shopping bag. I've sampled many products from here from made-to-order sarnies (mediocre, at best) to 'homemade' ready meals (give me M&S any day) and there's not a single product that would make me return. Coffee is good and staff are pleasant.

  • Simon Thornton

    Simon Thornton


    You're going to pay a premium price going to DBF but the quality of the food is always top notch. They're sandwich platters are great quality and good value for money as I'm yet to find somewhere that can compete on a per head price. The staff are always very friendly and the stores are clean and well laid out.

  • Ilona D'Arcy

    Ilona D'Arcy


    Best place to shop for grocery that I've ever seen in Ireland during my 12 years in this country. A high quality supplies, wide range and variety of products, a spotless store inside and out on top of that. Prices are a bit higher than in any supermarket but that's not an Aldi therefore it's not designed for everyone.. Congratulations!!!

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