Dooks Fine Foods Fethard i Fethard

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDooks Fine Foods Fethard



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Kerry Street, Fethard, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 613 0828
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Latitude: 52.4654, Longitude: -7.6999485

kommentar 5

  • James Burke

    James Burke


    Excellent food and staff fantastic Maria was exceptionally welcoming and friendly Food was excellent

  • Claire Treanor

    Claire Treanor


    Gorgeous coffee and cake. Three kids pizza was delicious. Beautiful salmon. Tasty sandwiches. Bit more choice needed.

  • en

    Noreen Greene


    Lovely freshly prepared food. Great addition to the area

  • Elaine Cleary

    Elaine Cleary


    Nice wee cafe, good range and decent coffee. It was nice to see the chefs making lunches at the counters. Good atmosphere overall, loved the big sharing table, good for jumping in if your on your own.

  • Paul Besso

    Paul Besso


    The food quality here is outstanding and the service first class. The desserts are also excellent. However, value for money is not good for the portions that you get. In my opinion, Dooks Fine Foods is an impressive place for a business lunch or an afternoon tea with friends or colleagues. The only caveat, don't go here if you are ravenously hungry. Dooks is an excellent place if you are out to impress friends or colleagues as it has that upscale feeling about it. Better value for money would increase my rating to a five-star rating.

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