Dunnes Stores i Balbriggan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDunnes Stores



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Castlemill Complex,, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, K32 Y402, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 802 0301
internet side: www.dunnesstores.com
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Latitude: 53.613008, Longitude: -6.206723

kommentar 5

  • en

    L G


    Shop alway closes 5-10 min early and not even allow customers to go in for 1 item. Also today (Tuesday) 18:45 got to CS checkout to get my Euromillion ticket and they said that shop is closing soon and they have the machine switched off already. And that happend after spending 5-10min in a Q. Wasnt expecting that, as i only wanted to get a ticket. I know that Lotto tickets still available till 19:30. Unfortunately not in Dunnes Balbriggan. I live in appartment on top of the shop and always see customers unhappy about closing store early. Very disappointed!!!

  • en

    Robert Johnston


    Medium sized shop. Very over priced but Dunnes is. Handy to use as a place to pick up milk or bread or other things u might run out of without needing to go to Tesco. Wouldnt do a weekly shop here especially with better pricing from Tesco and Lidl also in the town.

  • Emmanuel Odigie

    Emmanuel Odigie


    Its gets the job done but it could have more of an appealing look you wouldn't notice the entrance that easy

  • en

    Alhamdu lillah


    Too little selection and often overpriced. Wish they would take more advantage of the location and increase in their products.

  • Mircea Ioan Soit

    Mircea Ioan Soit


    Great place to make little shoppings if you forgot to take something during the main weakly shopping. Medium store size.

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