Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Tralee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEnterprise Rent-A-Car



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John Joe Sheehy Road, Tralee, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 66 711 9304
internet side: www.enterprise.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2695265, Longitude: -9.6965339

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joan Keating


    Recently I needed a car urgent I was told they could not accept Our Bank cards as they were Visa Debit. Money was there. I needed car for a while so there loss .will never go there again in any part of the world that says Enterprise rent a car .very disssaponted in Tralee ..as our Bank is tralee even they did not like the response of the card not been accepted.. we went tru Cork before no problem ....so I think we also as a business think you should look into this .regards Pat and Joan

  • en

    John Keane


    Lovely friendly staff, was expected to take an SUV when I booked a mid size car.the car I got was to min in coolant,not full of oil and reasonably clean.

  • Darach McEoin

    Darach McEoin


    Always use these guys and never let down, great prices and great vehicles. Great staff in Mullingar branch (hammils) and Athlone

  • en

    Becky Cains


    Very good service and cost, very friendly staff and high standard of car available. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Tharun Narayan


    Excellent service. Good cars.

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