Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Dun Laothaire

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEnterprise Rent-A-Car



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Pottery House Pottery Road, Dublin, Dubber, Dun Laothaire, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 284 7204
internet side: www.enterprise.ie
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Latitude: 53.2774328, Longitude: -6.1566763

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joseph Keegan


    Great service and great cars at great prices - the staff are friendly, efficient and don't over sell, thankfully. The place is so good we use them all the time & have joined their frequent club which gets us free pickup if available n booked in reasonable time :)

  • Tom Fitzgerald

    Tom Fitzgerald


    I disagree with several ways they charge and how they present the cars... I was given the price of 33e a day for a skoda octavia but the next day given a call saying they're increasing it to 98e a day. I've now had to spend more time off work dropping the car off more bus, train and taxi fares to get a different car because they decided to increase the price by 200% overnight. Needless to say I took the car back. I was also given my car with no fuel, only enough to get me to the closest petrol garage. I topped up but due to having to return the car the following day which was unexpected I also lost about another 30e in fuel. I then had to top it up, and when I gave it back it had a lot more petrol than I was given. Disappointed as there is no reimbursement among all the taxi fees, I've spent over 100e just switching cars because they decide to change their price.

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    Noel Cullen


    Staff excellent location great, car perfect mechanically but needs a full valet which obviously I hadn't time to wait for and was somewhat disappointing from such a prestigious company. But I did take the car on a busy Friday and it was specifically the car I requested which I was very grateful for and was completely down to the excellent staff. Will be back again when I need to rent a car. And most importantly. The deal was Good value for money.

  • Mark Lawlor

    Mark Lawlor


    Get cars and vans of all sizes at competitive rates, I've shopped around and I like this one best

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    al milhouse


    From Bakers Corner pub go past their car park entrance and take the road to the right past the petrol station towards Lidl. You will see Enterprise on the left before Lidl. Staff are very friendly and I rented a van and it suited perfect for moving house and garden waste. Thanks Enterprise.

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