Europcar Cork Airport Car Rental i County Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEuropcar Cork Airport Car Rental



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Kinsale Road, County Cork, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 21 240 0100
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Latitude: 51.8498038, Longitude: -8.4897902

kommentar 5

  • en

    Wayne Grobler


    Very poor service from staff, had no interest at all in helping me rent a car , fortunately their competitors sat nearby and they were willing to help

  • Simón punto com

    Simón punto com


    Cuidado!! Son una estafa! Se quedan con la fianza y no dan explicaciones! Estafa! Ojo!! Leed las miles de opiniones de la gente en internet. Cuidado con esta gente!

  • en

    Regan Martin


    I've used Europcar on three occasions recently. The customer service has been consistently friendly and professional. I would definitely recommend them.

  • en

    Nicola Stack


    Would highly recommend Europcar! Very helpful staff with great customer service. From the guy at the collection desk to the two lads I dealt with at the drop off point. They couldn't have been nicer. The car was a dream to drive too. Will definitely be using you again in the future. Thanks!!

  • Warren Lee

    Warren Lee


    Very helpful and accommodating person at the service desk in Cork Airport. There were daily emails with my driving score, which was fun. Some might find the constant contact a bit much, but I was fine with it. The car was perfect for us, and in good condition. Everything just worked fine. We used Europcar in the UK last year and had a similar, pleasant experience. Will definitely use Europcar again.

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