Facioderm Clinic i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFacioderm Clinic



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71, Abbey Street Middle, D01 E7K5, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 873 4975
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3480834, Longitude: -6.2606687

kommentar 3

  • Annie Allen

    Annie Allen


    If you come to this clinic, ask for the FEMALE doctor. She's the dermatologist and she's great. She knew right away what my issue was. My housemate was seen by the male doctor under the assumption that he's a dermatologist and he didn't help her at all. She went back when the woman was working and got a proper diagnosis right away.

  • en

    Suew Sue


  • Alan Panno

    Alan Panno


    The worst clinic I've ever been. The "doctor" is kind of secretary at the same time. He is picking up the phone all the time and he didn't even check you he just say conditions that are unreal. I don't think he is even a dermatologist. I feel cheated 60 euros for nothing. Don't go to this place I don't recommend it. Bad service

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