Fallon & Byrne i Dún Laoghaire

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFallon & Byrne



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Park Rd, Dún Laoghaire, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 230 3300
internet side: www.fallonandbyrne.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2893959, Longitude: -6.1290474

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kathleen Fitzsimons


    We really enjoyed our visit the service was excellent and delicious food but very expensive.

  • en

    Two's Company


    I had lunch today with my family. What should have been an enjoyable family lunch turned into a nightmare. I ordered the seafood chowder , it was green in colour and tasted awful. My Mother had seabass with potatoes, a bland and wet experience. As I didn't eat my chowder, I was still hungry and therefore ordered desert, as did my siblings. Twenty minutes later and still no deserts.......Upon enquiring, we discovered the order had not been placed, I had to leave to return to work( on an empty stomach ). WE didn't even receive an apology !! Terrible experience

  • Noemi Horvath

    Noemi Horvath


    Very pleased with this place. Clean, quick, professional! We had dinner there. The menu is very appetizing and the food is above delicious! You might need to book table in advance if you are planning to heading there.

  • en

    Trevor Matthews


    I went for breakfast. Coffee and pastries were the only options. One of our party asked for heated croissant but they couldn't do that. Only paper cups. We left afterwards for proper service in nearby establishment. Lovely building, hence 2 star.

  • en

    Donal Linehan


    Good/enjoyable. Gets a bit mumsey about 4pm with lovely babies. Table attention good. Requested taxi but didn't arrive. Not a problem though, as the rain had ceased. Food good/very good. Use again? Most certainly, at the appropriate times.

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