Fat Freddy's Restaurant i Galway

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IrlandFat Freddy's Restaurant



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15, Quay Street, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 567 279
internet side: www.fatfreddys.ie
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Latitude: 53.271024, Longitude: -9.0540915

kommentar 5

  • Jim Dunaway

    Jim Dunaway


    Great food at a great price! You can eat outside and people watch or eat inside and be amused by the decor!

  • Marwah Ashrour

    Marwah Ashrour


    There really was nothing wrong but I can't give it a high rating. The food was very basic. Nothing i would brag about. The food took forever to come out as there was only one chef we could see. The restuarnt had a weird vibe. I did not like my time at Fat Freddy's. I highly encourage you to find somewhere else to eat.

  • Niamh O'Shaughnessy

    Niamh O'Shaughnessy


    I ate here today and was very disappointed with the food to say the least.I ordered chicken wings and chips.They looked fine on arrival and the chips were served in a metal decorative bucket,obviously no problem with that but as I finished my chips I lifted up the napkin at the bottom and underneath was sweet potato chips.My normal chips were obviously just put on top of someone else’s old order and they did not clean bucket before using it again.The toilets also left a lot to be desired and were not clean.I had eaten in the Italian restaurant across the way the day before and it was lovely!!!My advice would be to go there.

  • Lindy Hooman

    Lindy Hooman


    Wonderful and they cater to everyone with every allergy with care. Grateful for their attention to detail and was just a joy to be there.

  • Gemma MhicGhráinne

    Gemma MhicGhráinne


    Fat Freddy's is almost legend. Established in Dublin in 1987. Now located in Galway. Food plentiful. Pizzas, as always delicious. Eat early in evening as it get busy fast, especially at weekend.

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