Ferrybank Caravan & Camping Park i Ferrybank

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IrlandFerrybank Caravan & Camping Park


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Tincone, Ferrybank, Co. Wexford, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 53 918 5256
internet side: www.ferrybankcaravanpark.ie
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Latitude: 52.3456672, Longitude: -6.4515787

kommentar 5

  • Beverly Travers

    Beverly Travers


    Lovely quiet spot lovely staff everything you want in a well run camp site

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    Mac Mcaninly


    Clean, quiet with a great location in respect of the beautiful town of Wexford. Hot showers, clean toilets and laundry facilities. Wonderful view.

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    Ann Ryan


    Love this park go there often in camper van with grandkids and also with friends has swimming pool beside it kids love it

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    Stephen McCormack


    Great view,great facilities would recommend to anybody

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    K Kelly


    Really great campsite. Really friendly staff, we camped for 2 nights, 6 adult's, 3 children and 1 teenager. There is nice little park for the children and the swimming pool is on site. The shower rooms and toilets were really clean also was the campers kitchen and sit down room. A short beautiful walk from Wexford town and train station. We will be going back again next summer but for a longer stay. Also the views of Wexford from the camp site are so pretty and a must see at night time.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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