First Stop i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFirst Stop



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Tuam Road, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 771 485
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2843964, Longitude: -9.0369918

kommentar 5

  • S A

    S A


    AVOID!!!! AVOID!! AVOID!! If you value your car and your wallet avoid this place. i brought my car( 08 3 series) in to them with a minor issue, the mechinic brought it for a drive and blew my engine and then refuses to take any responsibility for this, told me that was the issue when i brought it in wich was bull, my engine was never the issue!! He was Extreamly rude and walked away from me, as i am left there to call AA to tow me home, 4 weeks on and i am still without a car with ( 2 small children) i am now trying to save 3K for a new engine. save the hassell and your money STAY AWAY!!

  • john



    Top class service from Paul and Evan! Cant recommend highly enough!

  • en

    Anna Rafferty


    Evan could not have been more helpful. A fantastic service experience. It was also late on a Saturday afternoon but he was so helpful.

  • en



    Dropped my car to first stop for a service, tyres and nct check. Top class service from start to finish! I found their advice honest and accurate. My car passed NCT first time. Job well done !!

  • sorcha molloy

    sorcha molloy


    I dropped in unexpectedly to First Stop this morning in a bit of a bind...Tom couldn't have been more helpful. It was my third attempt to have my rear view mirror fixed to the windshield. Pressed for time in advance of my NCT Tom quickly responded & had the problem sorted with no fuss & good humour. This time it was my third stop but next time no doubt it'll be my First Stop! Highly recommended.

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