Galway County Council i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGalway County Council



🕗 åbningstider

Prospect Hill, Galway, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 509 000
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2764326, Longitude: -9.0485113

kommentar 5

  • JohnPaul Bradley

    JohnPaul Bradley


  • en

    John Coyle


  • en

    max max


    Was playing bagpipes in Eire Square on 02.06.2017 at 1pm in a midday . Plenty of American tourists liked my music. But was harassed by local crook , he showed me his "big" finger , sent me on 4 letters and spit at my bagpipe case. No sign or appearance of Gards. What a nice advertisement for Galway City for a tourists .....To see Eire Square full of crooks drinking alcohol in a middle of the day.....every day. Update of this review on 29.08.2017 A lot things has changed since. Now I feel safe in Eire Square , no more junkies, Garda is patrolling a lot. So thanks to Garda and Galway City Council for all good things they have done. Thank you very much for your hard work.

  • Derek Reilly

    Derek Reilly


    Nice building, staff car park at the rear (Terryland side). Very helpful receptionist. Like the exposed stone wall from the original building in the main reception atrium.

  • Niall O'Brolchain

    Niall O'Brolchain


    Cited as one of 5 local Authorities who have already responded to the Open Data Initiative. Well done.

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