Galway Greyhound Stadium i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGalway Greyhound Stadium



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31, College Road, H91 P2N2, Galway, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 269 969
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Latitude: 53.278864, Longitude: -9.039402

kommentar 5

  • David Clayton

    David Clayton


    Great setup. I was there for a stag party and it worked out perfect. Don't bother with the finger food platters, just hit up the burgers downstairs!

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    Valerie Noonan


    It was the worst meal we ever had we have been there several times it was ok 3 times potatoes went back they were black then they sent out chips ordered wine 20mins later still waiting had to ask again. Filled out comment sheet on line ask for someone to get back to us. Still awaiting a year later . We will go the dogs again but wouldn't waste money on the meal it was my husband 60th Very disappointed.

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    Sean O Ceallaigh


    Great venue for watching the Connaught rugby, or a night out watching the dogs, lovely staff always welcoming

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    Wayne Dowd


    Excellent friendly staff. If you like a little flutter on the dogs its class. Food is unreal. Highly recommend a visit.

  • Shauna Cornally

    Shauna Cornally


    Brilliant atmosphere. The management were extremely helpful in catering for our various food issues and the owner is charming. We had a nice time, no hassle and the drinks were lovely. Thanks for a great night!

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