Gilabbey Veterinary Hospital i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGilabbey Veterinary Hospital



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Vicars Road, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 496 2799
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Latitude: 51.878305, Longitude: -8.485908

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maura Kirwan


    Staff were very helpful & I would recommend hiley 😀🐕 🐶 ❤

  • Hannah Brassil

    Hannah Brassil


    I travel from Tralee to Gilabbey with my dogs because they provide such an excellent service, I know my animals will get the best care possible and it's such a comfort to know that they are there any time I need them. From the moment you walk in the door you can see the dedication from all members of staff. Top quality all round.

  • en

    May O Sullivan


    Been once with my daughter last week . Her dog Minnie vot spayed. Treated very well and healing very we .

  • en

    Martin McEvoy


    Hard to find but we'll worth the wait hospital staff and surgeons the best you could get anywhere in the world

  • Robert Farrell

    Robert Farrell


    I brought my dog here with severe swelling on his front leg. They took x-rays the first day and charged approx 400 euro. They were unable to diagnose the source of the issue and prescribed antibiotics and I took him home. The swelling got worse in the next few days so I brought him back. They did nothing except prescribe more of the same antibiotic. Another approx 120 euro. After a few more days he was now starting to get very sick and had stopped eating. I brought him back and after much discussion / confusion and honestly as much diagnosis from me as them they decided the antibiotic course they had prescribed would be very tough on his system and was the likely cause of his illness. They none the less charged again for a consult and different medication.Approx 130 euro. They advised tests to rule out different things including cancer. I decided it would be worth the extra 150 euro quoted for this test (I though it was a biopsy on his joint) they booked him in and I was shocked to get the bill again for approx 400 euro. They gave him a regular blood test and a test of the fluid from his joints. No test that would rule out cancer (a complete waste of time and money IMO). The tests came back normal. After all this the final consult suggested he did not need antibiotics and would have been better off if he never entered the doors of this place. Thankfully my dog survived this horrific experience and is still with me today. The only people who benefited from what I can see is the Vets who get a consult every time and the drug company who sells what they prescribe. Oh and the vets who get a cut from the drug company too I suppose as everything they prescribe they sell.. This place has a good reputation for surgery but avoid for anything else would be my advice.

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