Ginzeng i Dublin 22

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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22, Fonthill Rd, Dublin 22, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 623 6538
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Latitude: 53.3533008, Longitude: -6.3910723

kommentar 5

  • Harry Watkins

    Harry Watkins


    Nice Food But The Really Made the Chicken very spicy can’t take a bite without burning your tongue but nice food

  • Vikas Gupta

    Vikas Gupta


    This is a buffet style food outlet. You select a box and the price is based on the size of box selected. Box determines how many items you could opt for. The food isn't very cheap however it is pretty good. They have Veg and Non Veg options and you could opt for Rice/Noodles or take other items however none of the item could be repeated in a box. The quantity of serving depends upon the server as there is no standard measure. The box is the measure however could vary depending on the person serving. Drinks are quite expensive. Overall its okay and healthier amongst the other options available in the food court.

  • Shifty eyed Dog

    Shifty eyed Dog


    I’ll never eat from here again got a terrible bout of food poisoning from it

  • en

    Marcus Tormey


    Pricy for what you get. Food is okay not the best

  • en

    Joanna Kasprzyk


    First of all, I ate there twice and twice had stomachache after... Today I was going out of toilets in Liffey food court and saw Ginzeng staff going out of the loo in full uniform, apron and everything! Disgusting and disgraceful, BREAKIN ALL OF FOOD SAFETY RULES! NEVER WILL EAT THERE AGAIN

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