Granary Suites w Galway

IrlandiaGranary Suites



🕗 godziny otwarcia

58, Dominick Street Lower, Galway, IE Irlanda
kontakt telefon: +353 86 258 6023
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Latitude: 53.271142, Longitude: -9.05635

komentarze 4

  • Brian M

    Brian M


    Great old mill building with apartments looking over the River Corrib. The views and the location are astounding.

  • David Craig

    David Craig


    These apartments are amazing with regards to the combination of history, culture, and nature you can have in one of the most compelling cities of Ireland and the EU. Many places I stayed in Ireland were wonderful but none had the River Corrib or anything like it so present every moment of the day. The sounds of the river and how it interacts with the city and Galway Bay are magical. The family that owns the property is generous and kind in how they take care of their guests and they are also very good at leaving long-term lodgers like myself be on their own with a high level of trust. I'll return as often as I can and so many fond memories ... one day I watched an otter swim among swans just below my windows, another day young people started gathering at the Spanish Arch in one of the first hot days of Spring and were playing music into the early evening - both we wild and vibrant and available if I wanted them. I could also draw the shades, kick out on the couch and read in simple and classy loft and connect with Ireland through its wonderful literature. The next morning I'd wake and walk into the world of Irish prose or urban wildlife and know that I was in a privileged space and time.

  • Jay Kay

    Jay Kay


  • en

    Geoff Parnell


    Perfect spot. Beautiful views

najbliższy Kwatera

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