Greystones Train Station i Greystones

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IrlandGreystones Train Station


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Church Road, Greystones, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.1440783, Longitude: -6.0610162

kommentar 5

  • Parag Deshpande

    Parag Deshpande


    Beautiful place close to the dart station.Just out and you will have the street with few restaurants, bars, coffee shop, antiques and many more. Just about 5 mnts walk will take you to the the Greystone beach, it's a lovely beach with some sand tosit on the shores and listen to waves.

  • en

    Vadim Dunne


    I generally get the dart to and from school and MULTIPLE times they have decided to not run darts from greystones to Bray, this is quite an annoyance because I am paying money to get to the dart after school and then I have to get the bus to bray...paying even more money, I think we should be compensated for this because we are paying yet they are not doing their full service.

  • Yongzhen Guan

    Yongzhen Guan


    Really enjoying to stay here!

  • Fionnbarr Kennedy

    Fionnbarr Kennedy


    End of the Dart line. Half hour service to Dublin. Level access to platform 1 and as all Darts terminate there is all you need. Lift access if necessary for south bound Rosslare services

  • en

    O C


    A small station with 2 platforms that is the end of the DART line and is served by the Rosslare trains. There is usually 30mins between trains here. This is a great starting point for the Bray-Greystones cliff walk.

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