Gyles Quay Caravan & Camping Park i Dundalk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGyles Quay Caravan & Camping Park


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Gyles Quay, Dundalk, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 42 937 6262
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Latitude: 53.9882626, Longitude: -6.2428468

kommentar 5

  • Linda Coventry

    Linda Coventry


    Clean tidy well run site. Excellent facilities and very safe for small children and young people.

  • en

    chef inavan1


    I just used the onsite pub and shop (separate) Pub....Cold beer, seemed watery. Slow card payment machine, gave up and paid cash. Friendly staff, grumpy looking customer stared at me the whole time. Busy place, food smelled good, didn't get time to order any. Shop.... Opened via a bell system, limited selection of food, plenty of sweets... Giant gummy snakes and cola bottles. Friendly staff.

  • Liam Fergus

    Liam Fergus


    Another great lunch guys, thanks very much. The babies well looked after too, really appreciated.

  • en

    Eugene Mooney


    Great caravan site. Nice location. Excelent bar on site with great food available

  • Eoghan Duggan

    Eoghan Duggan


    Camped here for one night. Great location on the coast (Bar the wind)The facilities are great but doesn't cater well for tents. The tent area is small. Which is fine but its not inside the barrier. Long weekend or no 15€ for a one man tent is ridiculous. On the other hand it was also 15€ for a three man with two in it, Which is acceptable.

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