Harry Corry Ltd i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHarry Corry Ltd



🕗 åbningstider

New Road, Portlaoise, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 57 867 0204
internet side: www.harrycorry.com
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Latitude: 53.02903, Longitude: -7.2874277

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lucy and Olivia show


  • en

    brendan dunne


  • Satham Lech

    Satham Lech


    If I could give 0 star I would. Worst customer experience - ordered mattress which was supposed in stock in two weeks, three weeks later when I rang I have been told there is delay because of the storm (you know for a week country was paralysed) promised to have it next week. Week later no news so I rang them again just to hear that this time they have problem with supplier but mattress will be ready in 2 weeks time. Not to be surprised after 2 weeks time no sign of it so asked for refund. Stay away from this shop despite the fact of it is a fault of no work organization or lazy, lying staff. Probably business as usual.

  • Elaine G

    Elaine G


  • ruth johnson

    ruth johnson


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