Harvey Norman i Outer Ring Road

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHarvey Norman



🕗 åbningstider

Butlerstown Retail Park, Butlerstown Roundabout, Unit 5-8, Butlerstown North, Outer Ring Road, Co. Waterford, X91 W990, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 319 900
internet side: www.harveynorman.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2457557, Longitude: -7.1684173

kommentar 5

  • Daithi Raghallaigh

    Daithi Raghallaigh


    Bought thousands of euro worth of stuff here last year as was moving house for couple of items I bought a product care plan, one small item broke 6 months later and used my product care plan and was asked for 50 euro to access my damaged item and then a decision would be made , must have been hidden well in terms and conditions. Buyer beware

  • Jim Prendergast

    Jim Prendergast


    Big selection, good value, not all staff helpful.

  • Paul Boland

    Paul Boland


    Great shop. Their I.T. section is Great, furniture are is a bit expensive though.

  • Jonathan Nolan

    Jonathan Nolan


    Good selection of items in store. Staff are helpful but at certain times it can be difficult to get help if it's busy

  • Miloslav Strecansky

    Miloslav Strecansky


    Such a poor level of customer service. The delivery lads have damaged the floor, have given misleading information of how to report a damage and there is no response or any correction action taken from December 5th. I have contacted customer assistance online, shop assistance as well as the warehouse manager several times.

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