Henry Downes i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHenry Downes



🕗 åbningstider

10, Thomas Street, Waterford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 874 118
internet side: www.downesbar.com
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Latitude: 52.2623385, Longitude: -7.1175092

kommentar 5

  • GuD StoL

    GuD StoL


    Special pub, will be back in few days, snooker table, lots of space, can hide there from rest of the world and people..no music no phone, just chat and njoy

  • Caroline o toole

    Caroline o toole


    The best pub in the South East of Ireland. If you don't agree, you haven't been there.

  • en

    John Cloono


    A brilliant pub, great staff, great clientele and always leave with the feeling it's great to be alive. Born and raised in the locality and have been frequenting it since the late 60s. Knew young Johnny's dad back k in the day.

  • Matt Daly

    Matt Daly


    Love this old world pub. Please don't change more the Gin/wine bar upgrade is excellent. But please no more changes.

  • Tomás Breen

    Tomás Breen


    Fantastic proper Irish pub in the old heart of Waterford City. Not far from the quays and not far from O'Connell street and the pedestrian centre. The bar staff are excellent, friendly and great craic. The pints are second to none, and the place is great for a big group. They even brew their own whiskey. Lots of drinks choices, lots of craft beers and gin options.

nærmeste Bar

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