Homebase i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Parkway Retail Park, Limerick, V94 VHK8, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 489 687
internet side: www.homebase.co.uk
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Latitude: 52.6621296, Longitude: -8.5931747

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andy Logan


    Big sale on,

  • Eoghan Corristine

    Eoghan Corristine


    Bought a radiator cover here, very helpful staff, very Happy to check for stock that wasn't necessarily on display, found exactly what I was looking for in stock room, and product was on special offer.(bonus) Got it home, opened packing to find part was cracked,rang store, very helpful lady (Caroline), located another for me in stores and personally opened packing to check for me, she had it set aside and reserved for me when I got back to the store. Excellent product (large Virginia smooth white radiator cover). Excellent quality , extremely easy to assemble.

  • tigertoo01



    Prices in Homebase are extortionate. shelving is in a mess every time I go into the lighting section. Hardly any staff around to ask questions. Staff that are there have been quite helpful which is why I gave a 2nd star. You can get much better prices if you look at other stores in Limerick. there are loads of options.

  • en

    Elvia Ape


    I really like buying in Homebase Limerick, besides the fact that prices are really affordable and the quality is good.. The staff is really really helpful and approachable. There is a guy there called Bob that always goes to the warehouse to check availability on every item that is not on the floor (I really appreciate his help even if I feel bad making him walk so much), everyone else has always been really helpful and there is a great policy where everybody follows up on every request I had. I decided to write this review because I had a particular good experience today when Derek (Store Manager in Limerick Homebase) followed up on one of my requests firstly via email and then calling me to ensure I was happy with the service provided. Derek did all he could to help me with what I was looking for and I am delighted now!

  • Bernieann Vaughan

    Bernieann Vaughan


    My visit to Homebace is always good.

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