Hotel Minella Clonmel i Clonmel

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IrlandHotel Minella Clonmel


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Coleville Road, Clonmel, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 2388
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Latitude: 52.3531349, Longitude: -7.6846147

kommentar 5

  • en

    Luke Lukasson


    Lovely stay. Very upper class atmosphere but excellent quality of service.

  • en

    mary quinlan


    46 of us went to hotel minella for bridge weekend and it was exceptionally good. They were most welcoming and helpful. Food was excellent .would recommend to everyone.

  • topgold



    Clearly the best hotel within 40 miles. We never hear rumblings from family or friends when we book them into Minella BUT the same friends think less of us when we arrange B&Bs instead. Minella's staff cares about keeping kids happy and that concern goes a long way to making our accommodation perfect.

  • en

    Sarah Narburgh


    The hotel was great. My bed was comfy. I booked through work and work got the dates of my stay wrong but the hotel sad super nice and helpful about it. Food was pretty. Shower didn't get very hot and I had to specifically ask for conditioner.

  • Paul Besso

    Paul Besso


    An excellent hotel with lovely comfortable accommodation and, great food, and friendly service. They also have conference rooms available for reasonable prices. The property is very clean and tidy. I definitely recommend the Hotel Minella if you are looking for a hotel in Clonmel.

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