Irish Flowers - Wedding Florist Dublin , Kildare and Ireland i Leixlip

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IrlandIrish Flowers - Wedding Florist Dublin , Kildare and Ireland



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1, Captain's Hill, Leixlip, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 615 4640
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.366772, Longitude: -6.487675

kommentar 5

  • Umit Balci

    Umit Balci


    Nice staff and good service

  • Daniel Lamoureux

    Daniel Lamoureux


    Delivery to my beautiful girlfriend for her birthday was perfect! She is studying abroad in Ireland(Maynooth) and I live in California!! I ordered the flowers 2 days before her Birthday and they were able to get it there on her b-day. They set up everything beautifully in the widow of her hotel!!! I never asked or expected such amazing service. My girlfriend was surprised and extremely happy!!! I was just trying to post a picture to show how they displayed everything beautifully!!! Thank you Irish Flowers Dublin & kildare!

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    An absolute gem of a flower shop! These guys really know quality and could not be more helpful. My mum was away for the weekend, and I didn't realise as I am in Australlia.. They somehow found out she was away and sent a fresh bouquet when she returned at no extra cost. Not a lot businesses would provide that level of service.. Thanks again guys, Sarah , Athlone

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    HI Sharon, I thought I would tell you that my sister was absolutely thrilled with the flowers , it gave her spirit a great lift indeed. I'll be sure to use your service again Sharon and many thanks for your professionalism

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    Great service and high quality products, bought a nice and well prepared bouquet for a present and it was a big success! I recommend it! Gabriele

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