Ivors w Galway




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Rahoon Road, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakt telefon: +353 91 587 400
strona internetowej: www.ivors.ie
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 53.273779, Longitude: -9.0789296

komentarze 5

  • en

    S Nee


    Really disappointed, my father has been a long time customer and was ripped of badly when he traded in an out-board engine, when I went in to ask about it I was treated badly. I cant understand why they act the way they do in a small city when they depend on returning customers! I'll never use nor recommend them again.

  • en

    Ricky O'Flaherty


    Great service with everything you need for you motorcycle.

  • en

    Cezary Cezary


    gave them a motorbike to fix noisy valve, few days later picked the bike was charged more than price agreed on before service, but valves still noisy , i was told that they can order a new valves and fix it next time, so what the hell I was charged for ? They are not willing to do refund or not offering any solution. NEVER GO BACK there again and I would not recommend it to anyone, btw its not first negative review

  • Michael Higgins

    Michael Higgins


    Came in with a snapped clutch cable, they allowed me to try one they had in stock which was close to the size, while I was fitting this, they brought me out a bottle of cold water as it was a very hot day especially in motorbike gear. that cable didn't work so Ivor came out to me even though they were flat out busy in the shop and we spent half an hour fixing my old clutch cable, back on the road thanks to them. Most helpful crowd you'll come across

  • en

    Billy Devlin


    Pleasant people but never got back to me on 2 different occasions I called to do business!!!!

najbliższy Sklep

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